Hug Sleep Shark Tank Promotion
Hug Sleep is a local Milwaukee start-up that had dreams of making it big on ABC’s Shark Tank. They called upon us to create the critical imagery and demo videos for their brand promotional launch and application to Shark Tank.
Hug Sleep has patented a sleep pod which is a cocoon-like sleep wrap, applying a gentle, calming pressure that helps reduce anxiety and improves sleep. With this unique product and innovative design, a demo video was essential. We created three demo videos for Hug Sleep and a library of imagery for them to promote their products online including their website and numerous social media advertising campaigns.
Hug Sleep used our imagery to apply to Shark Tank and were accepted. Prior to airing, we supported ABC’s requests for B-Roll and behind the scenes footage for the episode.
After accepting a deal with Sharks Mark Cuban and Lori Greiner, they have seen tremendous success and growth. As their product line expanded, we worked with them again to capture new imagery with the same look to maintain brand continuity.

Hug Sleep on Shark Tank
Hug Sleep for Adults Demo
Hug Sleep for Kids Demo

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